There has never been a more strategic time in history to engage the next generation with the Gospel. Here at UCB, we take this covenantal call to make young disciples seriously as we seek to journey with young people both in our church and in the community. We have a particular heart for serving international students growing up between two cultures. In addition to special events like movie nights, retreats, lock-ins and general shenanigans, we meet regularly throughout the week in hopes of nurturing students’ love for Jesus and his church.

Middle School Youth

Middle School Youth (Students who are 11 years of age on or before September 1st through 14 years) meet on Sunday afternoon at 12:30 PM- 3:30 PM. Usually students go to lunch somewhere in Zona G in the church neighborhood and then return to the church for games, bible study and fellowship. Parents are asked to send money for lunch with their students, but if money is an issue, contact one of the leaders. Contact Pastor Baxley for more information.

High School Youth

High School students (age 14 on or before September 1st or 9th grade through age 18 or high school graduation) meet every Friday evening at the church from 6 – 8:30 PM for dinner, games, devotional and fellowship. There is also a weekly Bible Study for those who are interested. Contact Pastor Baxley for more information.